Susanne Andrey Fine Art
Original Art made with love

Susanne Andrey

About Susanne, the Artist

Love this saying by Fernando Botero...
"When you start a painting, it is somewhat outside you.
At the conclusion, you seem to move inside the painting."


  to   Federation of Canadian Artists - Exhibiting Member- Arrowsmith and Nanaimo Chapters

 Previous member of the Society of Canadian Artists – Associate Member

Artist's Bio

Susanne was born and raised in Ontario and now lives in British Columbia, where she paints daily in her home studio. Her medium is acrylic. Continuing to pursue her love of pets, she has added still life and figurative work to her subject matter. Commission work is available on request. Susanne has donated various pieces of art to charities and fundraising events within her community.

Artist’s CV:

Federation of Canadian Artists On-Line and Gallery Shows – 2019 – 2024
Society of Canadian Artists – BC Culture Days - 2021 
The Old School House in Qualicum Beach – August 2019
Sooke Fine Arts Show in Sooke BC – August 2018, 2020
Painters Lodge – Perpetual Motion - May – July 2018
Nanaimo Arts Council – 2017 - 2019
Port Theatre in Nanaimo – 2017 - 2019
Waterfront Gallery in Ladysmith – 2014 - 2017
Originals Only Show in Comox – August 2014 & 2015
TD Wealth Management Lobby Art – 2014 – 2019

Private Collections: Located across Canada, the United States, England and Ireland

In the News:
Island Arts Magazine 2017
Comox Valley Record - Aug 18, 2013 & Aug 5, 2015
CTV Vancouver Island – featured art work displayed
Island Weather Watchers - featured art work displayed

Training and Education: While being primarily self taught, Susanne attributes much of her success to the valuable influence of the prominent artists with whom she has studied, combining their guidance with her dedication to developing her own style. Susanne has studied under Canadian artists Elizabeth Wiltzen, Nicholas Pearce, Dominique Walker, Cindy Mawle, Robyn Foster, Marilyn Ridsdale, Michael Britton, Mark Anthony and Dale Byhre.  "From the many talented and generous individuals who share their knowledge, I have learned so much and appreciate that among the great joys of art is the opportunity to never stop learning and exploring." SA